A Theological Question

Wednesday 31/8/2005

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Diary and Notes

According to the Kashrut - the laws which define how food is to prepared to ensure it is kosher, it is forbidden to cook both meat and milk together in the same meal. This derives from a quote in the Torah "Though shalt not seethe a calf (or kid) in its own mother's milk." The strict observence of this in Jewish households means that separate sets of utensils are used for the preparation of meat and milk dishes, and strict ahderents of the Jewish faith often wait up to eight hours between eating meat and milk to ensure that it doesn't mix in their bellies.

I think the reason is that there is some special bond between a mother and baby which must be revered and respected at all times.

In order to get around this rule it is quite common to use egg yolk to thicken sauces instead of cream in traditional Jewish cooking - eggs being permitted.

But why?

Why can you serve eggs with chicken but not milk? Chickens don't produce milk, the nearest thing to milk for a chicken would be egg yolk, so surely the use of egg yolk with chicken should be avoided instead of milk - still, I'm not jewish so it shouldn't really bother me, but I do like to be informed and if anyone has an answer please let me know.

On the subject of the Kashrut, today's dinner is in every respect kosher, in fact, it's designed to be. This is an old Sephardic jewish dish which is normally eaten for shabbat as it is prepared the day before and requires no cooking on the actual day itself (as the cooking of food on the shabbat is prohibited).

Hameen is a chicken slowly roasted with rice and is normally served with eggs baked with the dish as well - which led me to my theological quandry. It was quite tasty, although I think I used the wrong sort of rice and it went a bit stodgy - some easy cook rice which never goes soft would have been better. The chicken was also a bit dry - I just don't have those years of training in jewish cooking that are required for making such dishes. If anybody reads this and is planning on having this for shabbat one week (and is in Manchester of course) - invite me for dinner as I'd love to try it done properly.

ש ל ז ם

Cake Blog

Banoffee Pie: From EAT in St. Anne's Square. I've had banoffee pie before but that was the more usual banana and toffee pie sort of thing, this was more a trifle affair and very good it was - well worth a stroll into town to obtain. It was recommended to me by somebody who works nearby and by chance found my website, thanks Emma and keep the cake suggestions flowing people, I'm starting to run out of options.


  • Hameen (With Eggs)
  • Spring Onion and Tomato Salad
  • Naan Bread


    1 Kg Chicken Pieces
    600g Rice
    150g Yellow Split Peas
    1 Onion
    1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
    1 l Chicken Stock 1 Tbsp Tomato Puree
    2 tsp Paprika
    Salt and Pepper
    4 Eggs


  • Boil the lentils until just turning soft, rinse and allow to drain. Mix with the rice and arrange in a big dish. Slice the onion and fry gently in the oil. Brown the chicken pieces then add the paprika and fry a little longer to allow the chicken to colour. Mix the tomato puree into the chicken stock and add a little salt and pepper, pour over the rice/lentils. Arrange the chicken pieces in the centre, put the lid on and bake very slowly overnight. Serve with boiled eggs (these are normally baked with the hameen, I just boiled them).


    *All quantities are very approximate and for a four people
