Dr Seuss Didn't Write This

Wednesday 16/2/2005

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Diary and Notes

Fried Eggs and Ham

Do you like fried eggs and ham?
Or would you rather fritters of Spam?
No I don't want Spam, nor jam, nor clam
But eggs and ham, in my mouth I'll cram.

And with your dinner chips and peas?
They're in my bag of groceries.
Yes, chips and peas would surely please,
And for afterwards some sweet pastries?

There are no pastries, scones or cake,
But a banana long boat I could make,
If that option you would take,
I think your hunger I could slake.

So eggs and ham and ice cream too,
Made a fine meal for me and you,
And to my Nosh-Blog I have held true,
My plan tomorrow, a nice ragout..?

Cake Blog

Banana long Boat: I offered my friend Stacey one (she's American) and she was a bit confused. Whe I gave it to her she said "Oh you mean a banana split." Words, we are all plagued by words. It was very a very good banana long boat; banana, Neopolitan ice cream, chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce, cherries and chopped nuts. Yum-scrum-diddly-tiddly-umptious!


  • Gammon Steak
  • Fried Egg
  • Chips
  • Peas
  • Crusty Brown Bread and Butter
  • HP Brown Sauce (I only buy the best)
