Spinning Around and Around and Around

Tuesday 26/3/2013

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Diary and Notes

According to Vera Stanley Alder, one of the architects of the hippie movement and therefore personally responsible for every evil which besets the world today, everything is oscillation. She describes this in her most famous work, "The Finding of the Third Eye" - which of course you have read - explaining how atoms, energy, sound and just about everything else is considered to oscillate by modern science. Vera was writing long before the people who came up with string theory were born. A theory which seems to have simply pinched her ideas and dressed it up with a few very complicated equations. Damn hippies, bloody scientists.

Vera's work at this point is intended to be scientific, but is really aiming to explain to the reader the basics of the Hindu creation myth where Brahma draws the universe from seven threads of sound (Aum, Ram, Ng, ...) - so according to Hindus (about 1 billion of them), scientists (must be at least 10 million of them) and stinking hippies (only one or two left, almost extinct thankfully), everything oscillates. The very fabric of the universe is periodic, things go up, things go down, things go around.

The Earth goes around the Sun. The Moon turns around the Earth. The seas follow the Moon and the seasons the Sun. Let's all sing: "To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season..."

Had enough yet? I could go on.

So what's my point?

Good days, bad days. It all comes around.

After my recent moaning about how the kids don't come for dinner, don't sit down nicely and eat well. How they run off and cry and fight, today none of this happened, today it all went according to plan.

Every now and again things seem to work out just nicely. When they don't, I might moan, but I know that everything oscillates and soon things will get better. I hope that in time the oscillation will change and the troughs will be less deep and perhaps things will settle down a bit, but even then it will still be up and down.

So a peaceful and well behaved dinner, followed by some happy game playing and bed. No moaning, no fighting, no chaos.

Watch this space...



  • Steak and Cheese
  • Potato Wedges
  • Refried Beans
  • Avocado Salsa
  • Flour Tortillas
  • Sour Cream

    Note: I bought a big joint of topside which was on special offer - I've cut it into two bit joints and frozen these, plus cut a few slices off for today's dinner. Cheap, quick and easy - very good too.


    Steak and Cheese
    300g Topside of Beef
    100g Grated Cheese
    ½ Red Onion
    1 TBSP Spice Rub: Equal Measures
    Celery Salt, Chilli, Oregano,
    Cumin, Garlic Powder
    Pickled Jalapenos
    Refried Beans
    100g Pinto Beans
    1/4 Red Onion
    1 Clove Garlic
    1 tsp Cumin
    1 tsp Coriander Powder
    Salt and Pepper
    Avocado Salsa
    ½ Avocado
    1/4 Red Onion
    3cm Cucumber
    1 Clove Garlic
    Juice of ½ Lemon
    1 Tomato
    1 TBSP Tomato Purée
    1 TBSP Tabasco Sauce
    ½ tsp Sugar


  • Steak: Sprinkle the rub over the steak and leave for an hour or so to soak in. Slice some onions and fry in a little oil until really soft. Get a frying pan really hot and sizzle the steak until starting to brown. Sprinkle over some grated cheese (I used Cheddar but I think Monterey Jack would be more normal) and some fried onions and grill until the cheese melts. Serve with pickled Jalapenos.
  • Refried Beans: Soak the beans overnight then simmer until quite soft. Drain off most of the water then add some chopped onion and minced garlic and simmer for 20 minutes until the onion is soft. Add salt, pepper, cumin and coriander. Mash with a potato masher until quite mushy.
  • Salad: Chop and mince and mix together. Leave to infuse in the fridge for an hour or so before eating.

    Today’s Ratings:

    Isis: Yum.
    Eve: Yum.
    Olias: Yum.


    *All quantities are very approximate and for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 kids aged 5 years, 3 years & 9 months)
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