
Thursday 21/3/2013

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Diary and Notes

Today I had a Eureka moment. I won't say anything more at this time, as I don't want to make a tit of myself if I am wrong. Tomorrow, I am going to check whether I am right and maybe get back to you on this. It will probably take a while to know if I am really on to something though and if I take into account Hofstatder's law it may take forever - depending on the ratio between how long it takes, to how long it takes plus one.

I could of course be totally hatstand.

Simple dinner today due to time constraints. Very tasty, but could have done with more variety. I was feeling hungry later, as I always do if noodles make up the main volume of the meal. Isis loved this though. Toni's lemon drizzle cake was fantastic too, with some ice cream on the side.

The video is a reencatment of Archimedes' Eureka moment - in Lego. What could be more fun?



  • Niku Dango
  • Miso Soup Ramen
  • Sesame Salad

  • Lemon Drizzle Cake and Ice Cream


    Niku Dango (Japanese Meat Balls)
    300g Minced Pork
    1 Egg
    2 Spring Onions
    1 tsp Garlic and Ginger Paste
    Little Salt
    Niku Dango Sauce
    ½ Cup Soy Sauce
    ½ Cup Water
    1/4 Cup Rice Wine
    ½ tsp Sugar


  • Make the sauce first. Put all the ingredients in a pan and simmer gently until reduced by ½. Keep warm in a pan to put the meatballs in.
  • Meatballs: Mince the spring onion and then mix with everything together. Form into little balls and deep fry for a few minutes. When they are just browned take out and put them in the sauce. Let them soak in the sauce and serve on the noodles.
  • Noodles: Make a broth from miso paste, white pepper, rice wine and soy sauce. Simmer the noodles in this until soft.

    Today’s Ratings:

    Isis: Yum.
    Eve: Yum.
    Olias: Yum.


    *All quantities are very approximate and for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 kids aged 5 years, 3 years & 9 months)
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