Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

Click the title above, it's sooooo sweet.

Sunday 20/1/2013

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Diary and Notes

If you look at the photos at the bottom of this page of us painting and hiding in a castle made from the cushions on the sofa (both taken today), you’d think that this was easy.

It’s not easy, it’s never easy.

Everybody knows, if they ask themselves, how they have come to be who they are - but to live with your choices, that can be hard.

Not a relaxing day.

No lazing on a Sunday afternoon.

Kids had a great day. Everyone had a great day – me included. After playing with the kids all day - my friends; Fran, Matt, Charolotte(8) and Andrew (6), came for dinner – having people over helps. If you have children, get your friends over, at every opportunity get you friends over – if not go insane.

If you measured the day as it unfolded, the Lyapunov exponents would be much above zero.


Dinner was good - although I slightly overcooked the beef and it wasn't nice and rare as I like it. Nobody else seemed to mind though and the whole joint was eaten (I was hoping to have some left for sandwiches today but my greedy friends wolfed down the lot). Isis particularly liked it and ate three big slices. Matt brought over some home made wine. I didn't know anybody made their own wine anymore so had to try it. I haven't been drinking for a few weeks and this was my first drop for a while. The wine was surprisingly good - I was expecting much worse. After the home made wine I was in the mood for more and managed to polish off far more than I should have.

Tomorrow I go back to work, propbably more tired than when I left on Friday.

Even so it was a lovely day.



  • Roast Beef
  • Roast Potatoes
  • Yorkshire Puddings
  • Roast Parsnips
  • Green Beans and Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Gravy
  • Horseradish

    I've done this before a lifetime ago: Roast Beef but would add that I should have made more of an effort to keep in touch with Denise. Apart from that, the recipe hasn't moved much.

    Today’s Ratings:

    Isis: Yum - especially the roast beef.
    Eve: Potatoes, gravy, yorkshire puddings - yum
    Olias: Yum.