Disease Bags

Monday 18/2/2013

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Diary and Notes

Toni said it would be a disaster and we should never do it. Inviting all those kids over to play on Saturday. I think she was predicting broken furniture or smashed windows, but what really happened was plague. Yes, the plague has descended upon us.

It is well known that children are the major spreaders of all diseases on the planet. They were designed by God to do nothing but pass bacteria and viruses from one host to another and to be themselves, the hosts for such things.

The medical profession claim that as disease vectors, mosquitoes are the worst - over two million people still die each year from malaria, spread by these winged horrors. They also spread Rift Valley fever, yellow fever, Dengue fever, West Nile virus and various forms of encephalitis, but in comparison the young children they are all little incarnations of Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis - saving us by their clean and germ free habits.

Children spread diseases - be warned. In some respects they are diseases.


If you see children in your home - do not be alarmed

Take the Following Precautions:

  • Wash your hands regularly with carbolic soap
  • Use a face mask to prevent airborne contaminants
  • Do not come into physical contact with the children
  • If contact is made, amputate the infected area
  • Disinfect all surfaces with agent blue
  • Call the Police!

If you hadn't guessed it, I've got a slight cold. Isis is worse and I think the weekend has exhausted her somewhat. I can live with a dose of the sniffles but it's always disturbing when children aren't well. In all likelihood she'll be fine by the morning and harassing me before breakfast for drawing paper, Aqua Beads or whatever takes her fancy at the time. I may be making light of it here but sick children, even if it's only a cold, are always a worry.

Get well soon Isis - and keep your diseased friends out of my house.

While writing this Isis woke up and came downstairs feeling a bit more chipper. She has a bit of a sore throat but managed to eat some toast and drink some warm milk. I think she'll live to pester me another day.


  • Bratwürst
  • Bratkartoffeln
  • Spiced sauerkraut
  • Pickled Cucumbers
  • Mustard


    5 Big Potatoes
    1 Onion
    2 Rashers Streaky Bacon
    2 TBSP Vegetable Oil
    Salt and Pepper
    Spiced sauerkraut
    ¼ tsp Caraway Seeds
    ¼ tsp Mustard Seeds
    1 tsp White Wine Vinegar
    2 TBSP White Wine
    200g Sauerkraut
    Pepper (White)


  • Bratkartoffeln are normally made by cooking the potatoes and leaving them to cool before frying them ,but I didn't have time for such nonsense. I boiled them for a few minutes, drained them, then fried them in a little oil until just getting crispy before adding chopped onion and bacon bits. You need a good pan for this so they don't stick. Add a little salt and pepper - yum.
  • Sauerkraut: Good German sauerkraut (my favourite comes in a barrel shaped jar) is flavoured quite well and doesn't need anything else. I could only get some PEK sauerkraut which is a little bland and needs something. Warm some caraway and mustard seeds in a pan, then add a little vinegar and wine. Reduce for a bit before adding the sauerkraut (drained). Some white pepper is also good.

    Today’s Ratings:

    Isis: Not well - didn't eat.
    Eve: Yuk - super yuk.
    Olias: Yum - loved everything, even a little pickle.


    *All quantities are very approximate and for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 kids aged 5 years, 3 years & 8 months)
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